5 Keys To Creating a Beautiful Website in Minutes
Beautiful sites start with beautifully crafted themes on elegantly developed infrastructures so your content can shine through and you can inspire your audience to action.
Sexy web UX is attainable, but the first objective to developing any jaw-dropping site is the identifying your “why.”
Almost think of it as a mission statement for your site.
Before starting your site (like you can here on Spectrum20) you need to ask yourself these extremely important questions:
- What extremely painful problem will my site solve?
- How will my site change the lives of my readers (if it won’t, you may want to try something else)
- How will someone feel after visiting your site? Smarter? More beautiful? Happier?
- Am I creating a dent in the universe?
- What’s my key driver? Data? The Blog? Downloads of my products? Quick and Easy purchases?
Take the time, right now (it should only take 15 minutes), to answer these questions and you will be the closest you’ve ever been to developing a site that will make a difference with the audience you desire to reach.
Attached are some examples of web design that has inspired me because the creators have answered these questions definitively and it shows
Identify your “why,” your mission, and your site and dream will be a reality before you ever expected.
To get started creating your own beautifully designed and beautifully built website, click here and upon checkout on Spectrum20 enter the coupon code “starttoday25” and you will receive $25 off for your first 5 months (for the non-math majors out there, that’s $125 in savings 🙂
Make it happen!
Spectrum 20 - Mar 5, 2014 | Latest News
Tagged | UX, Web Design